TC “Eat Your Waste”

From 29th of January until 8th of February our two participants, Tuuli & Liza participated in a training course “Eat Your Waste” in Spain. Here you can read more about Tuuli’s thoughts about the project:

In the project 'Eat Your Waste,' we focused mainly on food waste—at which stages of food processing it occurs most and how to prevent it. We gained initial knowledge on the topic through seminars and practical experiences.

For example, we all got to try fermenting food—a food processing method that helps preserve it longer. I got to try making tempeh, while other groups made sourdough bread and kimchi. Apart from this, we built a dry toilet on a farm near our venue, which may seem a bit off-topic, but it still has its connection (Eat Your WASTE). Building the dry toilet was a very cool experience, and everyone got to try things they wouldn't normally encounter.

Since the project was scheduled to include the Catalonia national holiday, Calcotada, we all celebrated it together. The main part of that day involves grilling and eating onions. It was something completely different from Estonian culture, and the onions were delicious.

As we talked a lot about waste and its processing, we learned about the Spanish waste management system (quite similar to the Estonian one). Thanks to that, all participants in this project can proudly say: "I have been to the Barcelona landfill!".

This was my first Erasmus+ project, and it certainly won't be the last. Honestly, I regret a bit that I didn't gather the courage earlier and didn't join some projects, the experience gained there is so good. Additionally, I met incredibly nice people and gained new knowledge about the project's topic and myself.

I recommend everyone take part in an Erasmus+ project - I can fairly confidently say that you won't regret it!

- Tuuli


TC “Shoot for the Future”


TC “Write It Up”