TC “Shoot for the Future”

From 29.04 to 06.05, 32 youth workers from 8 different European countries gathered in Lithuania near Vilnius to address the challenges of youth employment through learning photography and videography for the Erasmus+ project “Shoot for the Future”. They created videos, a guide for making videography, and presented these techniques to highschoolers.

However, few of them felt comfortable with this type of exercise before that day, but this was intentional. The real goal for these young people was to learn, familiarize themselves, and pass on knowledge, as each of them was involved in activities to help other young people. Designated as "Youth Workers" by the European Union, they were between 18 and 30 years old and came from Estonia, France, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, and of course, Lithuania. Gathered in Lithuania via the Erasmus+ program, they did not know each other before April 29. This was one of the great strengths of this program, bringing together and creating connections between these committed young people.

After creating these videos, which are now online, they gathered to create an introductory guide on the photography and videography techniques they had learned. They were also given the opportunity to present these techniques directly to high school students in Vilnius. This was a privileged exchange time between the participants and these future students. Inspired by the project's name, these means of creation were tools for these high school students to create a better future and help them integrate more easily into society.

Co-written by the French and Estonian teams of the project


TC “Colourful Hands”


TC “Eat Your Waste”