YE “S.E.T U.P!

From 2nd til 11th of June our Estonian team of 5 participated in a youth exchange called “S.E.T. U.P!”. The project took place in a magnificent farm called La Buona Terra situated in Passignano sul Trasimeno. The windows of our venue opened a view to Lake Trasimeno as well as the mountainous landscape – it was picturesque, especially during sunset. The main building was surrounded by untouched nature – the activities were accompanied by the soft touch of grass and the smell of lavender. During the night we could admire the stars and little fireflies flying around. The venue offered an amazing environment for the project.

The theme of the youth exchange was “social economy” but it didn’t set a sharp frame. Our days included different tasks from various aspects of society. Activities gave us a chance to work as a team as well as peek into ourselves. But the main goal of the project was to create communal feeling between participants. We learned to live as one. 

Project included participants from Estonia, Spain, Lithuania, North Macedonia and Italy. Being surrounded with people from such different backgrounds and nationalities gave a good understanding to how different cultures arrange their everyday lives. 

In conclusion the project opened our eyes to different cultures, in addition gave an opportunity to reflect on our own social input. Through team building exercises and theme based activities we spent 10 days making amazing memories. 

Personal summaries of each participant and the brightest memories of the project follow:

Taras: For me, the project was a great checkpoint where I could evaluate my strengths and weaknesses, as well as my overall career and self-development route. That, combined with supportive participants, good food, cultural exchange, caring organizers and sending organization, is an experience I would recommend to everyone.

Katriin: To me the project gave an amazing opportunity to step out of my everyday life. For a bit over a week I felt relaxed and so in my own element. I met great people who I see myself connecting with in the future. In addition I could discover a lot about myself and reflect on my past as well as think about where I see myself in the future. My highlight of the project is definitely our free day, where we connected with different cultures while riding 44 kilometers around the lake Trasimeno – admiring the breathtaking lake view, riding under the burning sun and enjoying local gelato made me feel present. 

Revo: I really liked to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Also I liked to help the local community by doing work outside. This project teached me to be more kind with everybody and also I'm more aware of the waste that people produce. I am definitely trying to be more sustainable moving forward.

Mariel: I loved all the activities that the organizers had planned for us + they made it even more special because the participants could also organize activities. I learned a lot from the emotional activities, for example I learned how to deal better with my past and to be more in the present moment. I definitely will be using this knowledge in my future.

Tural: It was the first time I participated in such a project. Activities during the project were valuable for me ; they helped to reflect and think about the past, present and the future; Long story short, I did not have expectations at first, but I am very happy to join and try myself in the project. Meanwhile, the location, the meals and organizers were exceptional. 🌞

Taras, Katriin, Revo, Mariel & Tural


YE “The Looking Glass”


TC “Colourful Hands”