TC “Colourful Hands”

From April 27th to May 5th our team of three spent time in a little town called Belmonte de Miranda in Asturias, Spain. During this week they had the opportunity to learn about graphic facilitation and graphic recording from three amazing trainers and facilitators as part of an Erasmus+ training course, organized by Asociación Cultural L’Ayalguina and YoWo Poland. 

Here are the thoughts of one of our participant Haana:

“According to Wikipedia, graphic facilitation is the use of a combination of graphics such as diagrams, pictures, symbols, and writing to lead people toward a goal in meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences. Graphic recording is used to create visual summaries of meeting or conference speakers' presentations. 

According to my own freshly gained knowledge, graphic facilitation is accessible to anyone and it can be used in so many different settings, for example as a learning and memorization tool for yourself or as a facilitator for others. I learned that anyone can learn the simple tricks how to change a topic to be more engaging and entertaining to their audience, despite their artistic skills.

However, during this training course I learned so much more than just that. Besides spending a really fun week, it was an amazing opportunity to bond with an international group of people from many different backgrounds and exchange stories and diverse knowledge. The workshops helped develop my imagination and creativity but also to strengthen my interpersonal skills through working in teams. Talking with all the experienced youth workers, trainers and volunteers participating in the project has been really inspiring to me on a personal level and I hope to take all this fresh initiative back home with me and use it to be more engaged in my community’s life in a meaningful way. 

Personally, I discovered Erasmus+ rather recently and have only participated in two projects until now but I’m sincerely grateful for the knowledge and lovely memories these projects have enabled me to create. I encourage everyone to explore opportunities like youth exchanges and training courses, firstly to LEARN, but also to meet amazing people from all different walks of life and to explore places you would probably not find during your regular trips. I’m already looking forward to more similar training opportunities.”

You can also read about Aet’s experience from her blog (in Estonian).  

Haana, Aet & Anna


YE “S.E.T U.P!


TC “Shoot for the Future”